“Pentacello Ensamble” is a chamber ensemble made up of five young cellists founded at the beginning of the 2023. Currently integrated by Candela Junco, Sofia Sanchez Prieto, Tomás Martín, Anael Gutierrez and Federico Iorio.
The ensemble performs music specially adapted for the ensemble formation and performs concerts regularly in different cycles., such as “The Paths of Classical Music” in Mar de las Pampas. He has also participated in the VIII Latin American Violoncello Festival where he received Special Mention in the “ensemble” category..
-“Piano Preludes”, Sergei Rachmaninoff (op.3 n°2; op.32 n°11; op.23 n°4, op.23 n°5).
-“Andante Cantabile”, Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky
-“Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus”, Ralph Vaughan Williams
-“Jupiter” from the Suite “The Planets”, Gustav Holst