Bruno Delucchi (here Kiyiki Bot) Voice, piano and arrangements
Gonzalo Universo in Voice and Guitar
Carlos Britez on Violin
Astrid Motura on Cello
Tomas Babjaczuk on Drums
Martin Lozano on Double Bass
Guest musicians:
Francisco Huici's Soprano Sax
Luchita Magia and Maria Rosa in Choirs
Don't miss this celebration of music!, spring and the meeting at Café Vinilo!
Este 21 of September, in the heart of San Telmo, the emblematic Café Vinilo will witness an intimate concert where the singer-songwriters Kiyiki Bot (a.k.a. Bruno Delu) and Gonza Universo will present their most recent releases.
These works, recorded in a live session at Casa Ñasco in December 2023, have been published throughout this year, capturing the creative essence of both artists.
On this special occasion, Kiyiki Bot and Gonza Universo have joined forces to form what they call “the band of your dreams”. This dream team has some of the best musicians in Buenos Aires (Tomas Babjaczuk on drums, Martin Lozano on double bass, Francisco Huici's sax, Astrid Motura on cello and Charly Britez on violin) promises an unforgettable evening with intimate songs, string arrangements and a full band to make us travel with the sounds.
The concert not only celebrates the blossoming of spring, but also the rebirth of music and the meeting between friends, in a space that breathes history and passion for music. This event is a unique opportunity to enjoy two of the most innovative and emotional artists on the current scene., in a warm and close environment.