Ana Elgarte: Flute and flute in G
Federico Núñez: Clarinet in A and bass clarinet
Flavia Fontana: Fiddle
Pablo Manccini: Viola
Eloisa Donatone: Cello
Luis Carcacha: Contrabajo
Federico Beilinson: Guitar, composition and conducting.
The project arises in the 2021 when guitarist and composer Federico Beilinson obtains an award from the National Endowment for the Arts to compose an original work. It is titled “Argentine musical scenes”, which attempts to explore the different characteristics of the musical-cultural diversity of our country from a mixed perspective between folk music and academic chamber music.. This project can be interpreted as a synthesis between the years of work as a composer/guitarist and the compilation/transcription and study of folk music. (The book of “At Folkloreishon”).
This is how in the 2022, thanks to a second prize from the FNA, The ensemble was formed to be able to mount said work.. As mentioned previously, the ensemble formation is an octet; flauta, clarinet, guitar and string quintet. The work was recorded and filmed, and currently the ensemble is presenting said material (also titled “Argentine musical scenes) in various settings in our country.
At 2024 The work was published by the Spanish publishing house ”Clivis”.
Currently the ensemble is presenting material from their future album. This material addresses a folkloric repertoire by different authors., with an aesthetic perspective characteristic of the Ensemble. The material also includes original works of an instrumental nature..