Swinging Lincoln Jazz is a journey through Linqueño jazz art starting from my piano. Past and present project a future of renewed identity with pure swing. As Tolstoy suggested: “Paint your village and you will paint the world…”
Let it be Jazz!
1 Swinging (Pablo Bernard )
2 Snow on the hill (Luis Hopua)
3 The ranquelino (Fernando Picado )
4 H2O (Horacio Larumbe)
5 Pueyrredón and Del Valle (Aldo Saralegui )
6 A John Lewis (Damián Balarino)
7 Borento Beach (@Edward Ed Paretta )
8 Return (Carlos Passeggi)
9 Mr Ballerino ( Carlos Andres Gaiera )
Damián Balarino: Argentine pianist and composer. Estudió formalmente en los Conservatorios “Quadraccia ” de Lincoln y “Gilardi” de La Plata, and at the same time he developed self-taught as a Jazz musician, bossa nova, Tango and Folklore.